Sacramento lawyer Mony Chim has helped incarcerated persons earn their freedom since 2020. He is a member of the Board of Parole Hearings panel attorney that specializes in BPH hearings.

As a parole hearing attorney, Mr. Chim represents clients on a wide variety of convictions. He has experienced hundreds of parole hearings ranging from first-degree murder to drug trafficking to sexual assault. He is passionate about providing incarcerated persons with a second chance at life. He builds a strong working relationship with each client, reviews all options, and tirelessly prepares every case.
For the last 5 years, Mr. Chim has been representing incarcerated persons at lifer parole hearings, reconsideration hearings, en banc hearings, Elderly Offender parole hearings, and Youth Offender parole hearings throughout California, resulting in over 100 parole grants, and counting.